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Ethiopian government tries to stop UK auction of looted Maqdala shield

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Abyssinian artefact taken during 1868 battle is latest in appeal for restitution of ‘wrongfully acquired’ colonial-era items

The Ethiopian government has called the auction of a looted colonial-era shield “inappropriate and immoral” as it attempts to stop its sale this week and prevent it from disappearing into a private collection.

The Anderson & Garland auction house, in Newcastle upon Tyne, was contacted by the Ethiopian National Heritage national restitution committee about the 19th-century Abyssinian shield, which it said should be removed from its auction taking place on Thursday.

Continue reading…Abyssinian artefact taken during 1868 battle is latest in appeal for restitution of ‘wrongfully acquired’ colonial-era itemsThe Ethiopian government has called the auction of a looted colonial-era shield “inappropriate and immoral” as it attempts to stop its sale this week and prevent it from disappearing into a private collection.The Anderson & Garland auction house, in Newcastle upon Tyne, was contacted by the Ethiopian National Heritage national restitution committee about the 19th-century Abyssinian shield, which it said should be removed from its auction taking place on Thursday. Continue reading…