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View from the EU: Britain ‘taken over by gamblers, liars, clowns and their cheerleaders’

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European commentators weigh in on what Britain’s departure from the EU means

Britain faces an uncertain future as it finally pulls clear of the EU’s orbit, continental commentators predict, its reputation for pragmatism and probity shredded by a Brexit process most see as profoundly populist and dangerously dishonest.

“For us, the UK has always been seen as like-minded: economically progressive, politically stable, respect for the rule of law – a beacon of western liberal democracy,” said Rem Korteweg of the Clingendael Institute thinktank in the Netherlands.

Continue reading…European commentators weigh in on what Britain’s departure from the EU meansBritain faces an uncertain future as it finally pulls clear of the EU’s orbit, continental commentators predict, its reputation for pragmatism and probity shredded by a Brexit process most see as profoundly populist and dangerously dishonest.“For us, the UK has always been seen as like-minded: economically progressive, politically stable, respect for the rule of law – a beacon of western liberal democracy,” said Rem Korteweg of the Clingendael Institute thinktank in the Netherlands. Continue reading…