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uberfuzz.com classifieds

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Uberfuzz.com classifieds

ABOUT classifieds @ Uberfuzz.com & How to post ads


We are Uberfuzz (see definition):

We offer free classifieds, personals, forums, & job search. We went online in 2008. You can post a free 55 day ad as long as it's legal and nice.
See our terms of use. T.O.U.
We allow links to third party merchants and websites. Subject to the T.O.U.
We affiliate with some merchants and post their products and links on our site also. Feel free to shop around.
Hope you enjoy our site, it is intended for adults and there are adult ads and links. So if you are not over 18, please leave.

How to post ads on our classifieds site.
(short and sweet of it)

1. Choose a username, password, and enter a valid email to register

2. Once you are logged in you can start posting ads;

there are limitations as to how many ads and how fast you can post those ads.  also ads need to be in english and any discovered spam will be deleted and user will be blocked.  if you see something that looks like spam, illegal, doesn't belong in that category please check it as such and we will look at it and take appropriate action. 

3. Change your password: pretty straightforward. Just remember THE
PASSWORD IS CASE SENSITIVE, keep in safe place. (rite?)

4. Log out ---well.

5. You can post up to 5 pictures

6.  You can list a 100 character title

7.  You can list a 355 variable character description

8.  You will be listed in the rss for that day.

That’s the Short and Sweet of it. Hope this helps. Go post something.
For a more in depth explanation of how things work at Uberfuzz, see
our Terms of Use.T.O.U. page update:31aug13
or check out our short tutorial video on youtube:


How to post comments-ads-ideas-pictures on our forums site.
(short and sweet of it)

1. Choose a username, password, and enter a valid email to register ( please remember your password and keep in a safe place)

2. Prove you're not a robot and imput the symbols you see

3. to Log out ---well.

4. You can change the theme, smilies, post ads, ideas, comments, send messages, attachments, post images, etc.{no job posts please}


How to use the chat site.
(short and sweet of it)

1. If you want to chat, you can go to Uberfuzz chat & you use just pick a username and start chatting. Or log in to your own chat service via e-Buddy.



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