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Taking it to the streets: ‘The movements making noise are being led by young people’

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In spite of all the challenges of the world they will inherit, young people are embracing activism to make change

When Alice Rummery sees a problem, she has one overriding thought: “What are we going to do about it?”

That’s been the driving force of an activism that was first ignited as a university student in 2018 when she was a critical part of a campaign for women’s safety in cities. Trained and supported by Plan International’s Activist Series, she worked to enable women in five cities in the world to map precisely where in that city they felt safe or endangered. Now, she is working in the public service, tasked with implementing the Women’s Safety Charter for the city of Sydney and taking the momentum of her campaigning work into practical application.

Continue reading…In spite of all the challenges of the world they will inherit, young people are embracing activism to make changeRead how the pandemic-fuelled recession will affect Australia’s young peopleWhen Alice Rummery sees a problem, she has one overriding thought: “What are we going to do about it?”That’s been the driving force of an activism that was first ignited as a university student in 2018 when she was a critical part of a campaign for women’s safety in cities. Trained and supported by Plan International’s Activist Series, she worked to enable women in five cities in the world to map precisely where in that city they felt safe or endangered. Now, she is working in the public service, tasked with implementing the Women’s Safety Charter for the city of Sydney and taking the momentum of her campaigning work into practical application. Continue reading…